999 + 1 Things to be happy about

Jonas Morgner
15 min readMay 28, 2021


  1. The pure joy of the Sun
  2. Easeful days, dreamless night
  3. Memories of the good things you ate in your childhood
  4. Moonlight dances
  5. All the greens of spring
  6. Books of answers
  7. Commuter drinking cups
  8. Recovering a fumble
  9. Your favourite airport
  10. The smell of northern air
  11. What makes human beings uniquely human
  12. Loving touches
  13. A newly refinished gym floor
  14. The art in everyday life
  15. Buying summer sandals
  16. A fresh idea in a mind
  17. Cake
  18. Bright shining stars
  19. The buzz of a bee
  20. Writing down three things you are grateful for
  21. Papaya with lemon cream
  22. Aerial views
  23. Incurable enthusiasm
  24. Shop talk
  25. Olympic trampolining
  26. When all systems are “go”
  27. When the lights come up
  28. English-style breakfast and dinners in a riverside dining room
  29. Things you don’t have to work at to enjoy
  30. New York City
  31. Feeling the damp freshness of a Cape Cod morning cool on your face
  32. Fortune-cookie messages
  33. Pool parties
  34. Getting a job
  35. An animal doing the tuck and roll
  36. Prizes you have won
  37. Basketball
  38. Hearing: “You are the best!”
  39. Organising time
  40. Personally witnessing a happy event in history
  41. Sailing on Lake Michigan
  42. An ideal Picnic spot
  43. Palm Springs, California
  44. Postcards
  45. Having a person to miss
  46. Catching a fish
  47. Watering your plants
  48. A leader’s words that stir a nation
  49. A window’s walk
  50. Introverts Anonymous
  51. A sauce bowl and ladle
  52. 8760 hours in a year
  53. The little things in life that really make your day go right
  54. Driving under an overpass during a storm
  55. Pink grapefruit
  56. The sound of a key in the lock
  57. Life choices
  58. Getting warm on a fire
  59. Rare books
  60. A successful first attempt
  61. Seeing a rainbow
  62. Not worrying about having what everyone else has
  63. Your first time in a foreign country
  64. Returning books to the library
  65. An unexpected message from someone
  66. Carrying groceries in a backpack
  67. The act of entering a room and forgetting why
  68. Thanksgiving
  69. Turning of your email
  70. Wild roses
  71. absorbing nature blessing
  72. Filling a bowl with fresh fruits
  73. Learning a new sport
  74. Starbucks caramel macchiato
  75. Refresher courses
  76. The structure of things
  77. Rising early
  78. Sponge baths
  79. Hostess gifts
  80. Sport shorts
  81. Clouds rolling over a mountain
  82. Sport shorts
  83. Headache medicine
  84. Downloading music
  85. A fresh croissants from the bakery
  86. Going back to memorable places
  87. Rereading passages for inspiration
  88. Getting the last soda in a vending machine
  89. Music box
  90. Late Sunday breakfast
  91. Reliability
  92. Laundry soap
  93. The feeling when something you desire is in your price range
  94. Organically grown foods
  95. Two seats besides each other in a crowded movie
  96. Doing a headstand
  97. The beach in the fall
  98. Potato salad
  99. Porsche 911s
  100. Cups with built-in straws
  101. Sound of a closing purse
  102. Library tables
  103. Symmetry of roof tiles
  104. A room for creating art
  105. Reading the New York Times
  106. Writing in your journal
  107. Achieving a state of flow
  108. Filling the food bowl of your pet
  109. Scholarships
  110. Not having the fear of missing out
  111. Autographs
  112. Church bazaars
  113. Knowledge
  114. The Dalai Lama’s smile
  115. National Football League
  116. The inner city
  117. Introductory courses
  118. The law of attraction
  119. Your coffee routine
  120. Having windows washed
  121. Buying flowers
  122. An organised kitchen
  123. Morning orange juice
  124. Sweater dryers
  125. Berlin
  126. Group studying
  127. Bay swimming
  128. French cuffs
  129. Reading a magazine
  130. A boy’s first facial hairs
  131. Waxing floors
  132. Going barefoot around the house
  133. Something to be enthusiastic about
  134. The magic curl waves
  135. Anyone who can do a cartwheel
  136. Going for a walk before breakfast
  137. Spine-tingling views
  138. Snow in December
  139. Hedge mazes
  140. Your grey hairs
  141. Reserving your own quiet corner
  142. Speedy Gonzales
  143. Sweet smells
  144. Paris
  145. Jewellery design
  146. Payday
  147. Ultramarine blue
  148. Owning a jersey of your favourite team
  149. A standing clipboard
  150. Tall people
  151. Old-fashioned lemon pie
  152. Writing a blog
  153. Call and response of two birds
  154. Listening to an auctioneer
  155. Pulling the curtains in the morning
  156. Resting under a tree
  157. Compliments to the chef
  158. Courses and certificates
  159. Having a passion in life
  160. Shape of you by Ed Sheeran
  161. Walking a mile
  162. Singing to the radio
  163. Colourful paintings
  164. Escaping from civilisation
  165. Making a list of life goals
  166. Behind-the.scenes editors
  167. Forming a mind map
  168. Making a birthday special
  169. Sleep-away camp
  170. Archaeology buffs
  171. Selling lemonade on the sidewalk
  172. The one song you can play on the guitar
  173. When all your senses are engaged
  174. Friendliness
  175. Mashed potato meals
  176. The calm before the storm
  177. Buying a used textbook
  178. When your hair stays where you want it
  179. Big changes
  180. That vacation feeling
  181. Little bit of kitchen knowledge
  182. Doing well on the SATs
  183. Writing a letter to the editor
  184. Open lines of communication
  185. The quiet spirit of holiday music
  186. Luggage which stands out at the airport
  187. Kitesurfing
  188. Sitting down in a beanbag chair
  189. A party on the terrace of a penthouse
  190. Making love after a fight
  191. How lucky you are
  192. London
  193. Squeezing out one more brushful out of the toothpaste tube
  194. Bermuda onions
  195. Football terms
  196. Fortune cookies
  197. Elevator music
  198. Reading glasses
  199. Little cracks of fire
  200. Always looking people in the eye
  201. Your lunch hour
  202. Long winter weekends
  203. Decorating a flowerpot
  204. Bluffing at poker
  205. Riding through the desert in a dune buggy
  206. Familiar surroundings
  207. Jalapeños
  208. A street map of your hometown
  209. Finding the last item in your size at the store
  210. A baby smiling in its sleep
  211. Snow swirls
  212. Dishwashers
  213. Craving pumpkins for Halloween
  214. Giving a speech
  215. Beethoven symphonies
  216. Correcting the autocorrect
  217. Disasters you have survived
  218. National Basketball League
  219. Dutch butter cookies
  220. Fluffy puppies
  221. The silence of isolated beaches
  222. Sticking with something you committed to
  223. Wall Street
  224. Good news for a change
  225. Sandbox toys
  226. English muffins
  227. Celebrating the imperfection of your relationship
  228. A whale swimming
  229. Cafe society
  230. Dimpling rains
  231. The freshest of ingredients
  232. Exploring a shipwreck
  233. Driver’s education class
  234. Being tall enough to reach
  235. Old medical texts
  236. Baby food
  237. Lemon pound cake
  238. Cows with bells
  239. A chemistry set to experiment with
  240. A white Christmas
  241. Vietnamese cuisine
  242. Having a picnic on the living room floor
  243. Chasing fireflies
  244. The spacious interior of a car
  245. Bacon frying
  246. Traveling in the off-season
  247. Watching a plant grow
  248. Ice-cream
  249. Looking your best
  250. Spending an afternoon skating
  251. A coffeepot filled with dried flowers
  252. Old fashioned cocktail
  253. Being faithful
  254. A celebration breakfast
  255. A hypothesis
  256. Yin and Yang
  257. Breaking out of a bad habit
  258. Dill mustard
  259. Winning a video game
  260. 15 minutes all to yourself
  261. Hey Brother by Avicii
  262. Soap bubbles
  263. City planning
  264. Tanning salons
  265. Supermarkets
  266. Soft-lightening effects
  267. A vintage farmer’s milk strainer
  268. Wind-up animals
  269. Photography
  270. A paw in the fish bowl
  271. Toll House cookie batter
  272. Crazy kids
  273. Warming milk for cocoa
  274. Laser printers
  275. Conviviality
  276. High school rock bands
  277. The smell of fresh-cut greens
  278. Beating the heat
  279. Holiday soaps
  280. The practice of eating the cream center of an Oreo
  281. 50 % off anything
  282. Wheat fields
  283. Chocolate covered cherries
  284. Day headlights on cars
  285. Shop doorways
  286. Sugar wafers
  287. When the February sky is gun-barrel grey
  288. Sleeping on the porch in summer
  289. Ritz crackers
  290. Any fruit
  291. Being an upperclassman
  292. Making love
  293. Tennis
  294. Planting seeds
  295. Driving up and down the main street
  296. Mirrors inside a closet
  297. Iconic columns
  298. The visual language of comics and cartoons
  299. The refrigerator egg holder
  300. Something that is one of a kind
  301. Christmas trees
  302. Movable feasts
  303. Porky Pig
  304. Getting asked out on a date
  305. Political discussions
  306. Kicking off your shoes and putting your feet in a pool
  307. The prow of a ship
  308. French bread
  309. A collection of hot sauces
  310. A romantic walk
  311. Someone who wants to take you dancing
  312. Fruit peddlers
  313. 15
  314. 30
  315. 40
  316. Game
  317. Set
  318. Match
  319. enlarging a favourite photo
  320. Cookbooks
  321. Earth’s concentric layers
  322. Free concerts in the park
  323. Lincoln wheat-cent coins
  324. Old black and white snapshots
  325. Licking a cake bowl
  326. Discovering a different route to work
  327. Every seventh wave being a big one
  328. Do not disturb signs
  329. Spring training
  330. Ringing the bell for your dog’s dinner
  331. Spam and ad blockers
  332. Staples in the stapler
  333. Fresh fruit pancakes
  334. Ticket windows
  335. Unpretentiousness
  336. A sky in the shade of faded blue jeans
  337. Blobbing for apples
  338. Knowing it’s never too late to learn
  339. Barrel-jumping
  340. Your smile
  341. Popcorn at the movies
  342. Coloured fireplace logs
  343. Lighthouses
  344. Baskets of shells on a low table
  345. Riding in a caboose
  346. An analytic approach
  347. Haunted houses
  348. Fired mozzarella and marinara sauce
  349. Sandwiches for lunch
  350. Clouds with silver linings
  351. Flat griddles
  352. Secondhand stores
  353. Making a TV commercial
  354. Museum lecture
  355. Wilson Sporting Goods
  356. Adam and Eve
  357. Submitting a sealed bid
  358. Itching after playing in the snow
  359. A wish box
  360. Desert picked off trees
  361. Jumping into bed
  362. Visiting university
  363. Bermuda’s pink beaches
  364. Oxford English Dictionary
  365. Days in a year
  366. Juicy Barbecued delights
  367. Sidewalk hitching rings for horses
  368. Blueberries
  369. Anything you can get closure on
  370. People who have a will
  371. Changing a college major
  372. Slow snowfalls
  373. Website redesign
  374. Playing possum
  375. Getting fresh fish from someone who caught it
  376. Skating
  377. Using your powers for good
  378. Digging a hole
  379. Sunday school
  380. Finding a pretty spot to sit
  381. Love between two people
  382. Salsa
  383. Classic Spritz cookies
  384. Being taken to the Zoo
  385. Gaming tables
  386. Scented oils
  387. Happy songbirds
  388. Winding a maypole
  389. Freshly laundered jeans
  390. Old maps of a museum gift shop
  391. Open-air flower markets
  392. Secret civilisations
  393. Chipping in for a birdie
  394. Spoon bread
  395. Scoring the high score
  396. Swiss chocolate
  397. A sense of humor
  398. A shore dinner
  399. Fuelling a hot-air ballon
  400. Cleaning soft-shell crabs
  401. Snow forts
  402. Wearing a smartwatch
  403. Little boys with frogs
  404. Viagra
  405. Page not found
  406. Banning all weapons
  407. Lasagna
  408. Fast and Furious
  409. Photojournalists
  410. Classical music concerts
  411. The first day of winter
  412. Things that smell wonderful
  413. Old suitcase
  414. The morning quiet
  415. Accepting a compliment
  416. Arthurian mythology
  417. Rented Tuxedos
  418. Your favourite ice-cream
  419. Sharpie pens
  420. Old wavy glass panes
  421. April 20th
  422. G.I. Joe action figures
  423. Tranquility
  424. Chefs’ outfits
  425. 21st-century explorers
  426. Backpack-style handbags
  427. The riverboat era
  428. A mother calling to her child
  429. The pleasure of discovery
  430. Walks along long piers
  431. Barn houses
  432. Frosted Flakes cereal
  433. Turkey trots
  434. Wooden ice-cream sticks
  435. A shopping spree
  436. Minimalism
  437. A towel warmer in the bathroom
  438. Brookstone gadgets
  439. Tropical fruits
  440. Honey
  441. Satin vests
  442. Victorian furniture
  443. Assisting a caterer
  444. Reading menus
  445. Rainy days
  446. Making concrete
  447. Corssword puzzeles
  448. Saturday night dances
  449. A clever phrase
  450. Singing songs around a campfire
  451. Door handles
  452. Serving sliced vegetables
  453. The bear of a drum
  454. A classic picnic
  455. Knowing one great idea which can revolutionise your life
  456. Being mistaken for a celebrity
  457. Astrology
  458. Sweet potatoes
  459. Sour-cream jam
  460. Wonderful smelling dryer sheets
  461. A big brother reading to a little brother
  462. Maple sirup
  463. Sales
  464. Feeling loved on Valentine’s Day
  465. Brand-new pencils
  466. Birthstones
  467. Cold feet under a blanket
  468. Christmas music
  469. Adjustable hairbands
  470. Dots candy
  471. Sparkling water
  472. Something as pretty as a picture
  473. Broadening someone’s horizon
  474. Hand-tied fishing flies
  475. Treating yourself to a massage
  476. Mosquito zappers
  477. A giant cookie
  478. Dish towels hung on a cup hooks
  479. Deep-set windowsills
  480. A romantic scavenger hunt
  481. Overcoming sacredness
  482. Fishing licenses
  483. Sliding glass doors
  484. Portable drafting tables
  485. Google
  486. Having good luck on a Friday the 13th
  487. Happy endings
  488. Craving chicken
  489. Analysing a blueprint
  490. Falling in love with an old friend
  491. The greyness of a sky about to snow
  492. The art of cheesemaking
  493. Efficient couriers
  494. Running a country store
  495. @
  496. Class reunions
  497. Worn plush movie seats
  498. A spa vacation
  499. When your name is pronounced correctly
  500. Sprays of true-blue water
  501. Moist
  502. Starting a collection
  503. Transonic airlines
  504. Polaroid
  505. May the force be with you
  506. Talking sweetly
  507. Gumball banks
  508. Smashing a piñata
  509. Baseball
  510. Clip art
  511. Double boilers
  512. Remembering which side the fas cap is on
  513. Open-minded uncertainty
  514. Theatergoing
  515. Touching the sky
  516. Making dreams come true
  517. Excellence in your chosen occupation
  518. Making friends with the police
  519. Saying “yes”
  520. The concept of one size its all
  521. Furniture woods
  522. Meat platters
  523. Cloud nine
  524. Overcoming writer’s block
  525. Working out a problem
  526. Easter dinner
  527. Handling the first few minutes when meeting someone new
  528. Contentment in listening to music
  529. The world of words
  530. Animal intelligence
  531. A Bad Day Survival Kit
  532. Old-fashioned glasses
  533. Winning an eBay auction
  534. Coming out of the water to dry
  535. Writing about whatever you think of
  536. Four-slice toasters
  537. French fry frying baskets
  538. Wanderlust
  539. Printing out photographs
  540. Mobile concepts
  541. A gentle ringtone
  542. The Energiser bunny
  543. Beating the odds for a change
  544. Tool kits
  545. taking a snowmobile tour
  546. Steel bands
  547. Gloves
  548. Kayaks for rent
  549. Dreaming nice dreams
  550. A grandfather clause
  551. Soft music
  552. Refreshing your eyeballs
  553. Baby showers
  554. Oval picture frames
  555. A blanket rack
  556. A single orchid fed by ice cubes
  557. Being nice to someone who bugs you
  558. Benches in between rows of lockers
  559. Trying a friendship bracelet
  560. Banana splits
  561. Pop tents
  562. Learning things from books
  563. Colourful flowers
  564. Philadelphia cheesesteak
  565. The dizzy smell of fresh-cut hay
  566. Benefiting from a change in your point of view
  567. Writing inspirational quotes
  568. Playing pool
  569. When your teacher uses your work as a good example
  570. Chopping blocks
  571. Babies in backpacks
  572. A communal meal
  573. Everyone needing a little love
  574. Saying something that no one else would dare to say
  575. Your oldest Christmas decorations
  576. A drive-up mailbox
  577. Earning Brownie points
  578. Towel racks
  579. Sharpening your vision
  580. A handsome park
  581. free kittens
  582. A tea cozy
  583. Wine tastings
  584. Long sojourns
  585. Golden lion tamarins
  586. Taking a course
  587. Speaking multiple languages
  588. Feeding a cow
  589. Beautiful children
  590. A thermos lunch
  591. Campfires
  592. Dips
  593. Baked pineapple
  594. Your favourite take out food
  595. Minecraft
  596. Trying shoelaces
  597. Rising pantyhose in almond soap
  598. Secret recipes
  599. Poetry
  600. Ceramic glaze
  601. American Express cards
  602. Working on a project
  603. Slabs of homemade fudge
  604. When you finally remember the word you had on the tip of your tongue
  605. Doughnuts
  606. The Simpsons
  607. Netflix
  608. Discipline in exercise
  609. Investigating underwater
  610. Singing in the shower
  611. Thick woollen blankets
  612. Sun-dried tomatoes
  613. Not missing a thing
  614. The turbulent surface of the sun
  615. Falling leaves
  616. Eternity rings
  617. Handing out invitations
  618. Arabian horses
  619. Coffe beans
  620. A teacher who learns from students
  621. Playing blackjack
  622. Giving a soft answer to a not-so-soft question
  623. Using your time to cultivate gardens
  624. Shells in a shadow box
  625. A luxurious hotel bathroom with a Jacuzzi
  626. Evaporating handwashing liquid
  627. Saved money
  628. Snow on the weekend
  629. Chameleons seeing in two different directions
  630. Shin pads
  631. Boathouses
  632. Class acts
  633. The last day of school
  634. The spot on the shopping mall map marked “You are here”
  635. A boost when you most need it
  636. Effective business meetings
  637. English library ladder chairs
  638. Cheese fondue
  639. The dynamic of a black hole
  640. Heated swimming pools
  641. Shy goldfish
  642. Caribbean bartenders
  643. The poetics of lists
  644. Write-in-the-dark pens
  645. Your summer job
  646. A farmhouse
  647. Time to think things over
  648. A warm mic of vegetables Bargain prices
  649. Online reference
  650. Barbecuing meat
  651. Having someone to come home to
  652. Highly polished parquet floors
  653. Plump white berries on mistletoe
  654. Church bells pealing
  655. Cool alpine breeze
  656. Sports video games
  657. Being to busy to notice trivialities
  658. A yacht club
  659. An odd couple
  660. A vending machine accepting your dollar
  661. Clothesline rope
  662. A blue ribbon won at a playground pet show
  663. Orange segments
  664. Tabletop mirrors
  665. White enamel coffee mugs
  666. Designated bike lanes
  667. Fabric rosebuds
  668. Pasta makers
  669. Summer research projects
  670. What your desk thinks about at night
  671. A G-force simulator
  672. Recording trivia and fact bites that interest you
  673. Painting the ceiling sky blue
  674. The student union
  675. The local Zen centre
  676. Many candles on a table
  677. Great human happiness
  678. Biking around campus
  679. A broom-swept beach house
  680. A river trip on a sternwheeler
  681. Bachelor’s buttons
  682. An early hunting owl winging close
  683. Cream satin furniture
  684. Ripe plums
  685. Curtain calls
  686. An espresso
  687. The whirr of bumming-bird wings
  688. Water pumps
  689. Putting the cover over the birdcage at night
  690. Using a telephoto lens
  691. Attic junk
  692. Tearing out a piece of paper perfectly
  693. Paintings sold straight from the easel
  694. Lying down on the grass and following a cloud across the horizon
  695. Reversible place mats
  696. The school nurse
  697. Lobster salad on slit wiener buns
  698. Enthusiastic book reviews
  699. Getting lots of sleep
  700. Eau de cologne
  701. Secret doors
  702. Babies wearing jeans
  703. Learning a new word
  704. Drawing tables
  705. Shaggy Dartmoor ponies
  706. Giving back
  707. Laughing to keep from crying
  708. Blue lights-bulbs
  709. Saying “Sure”
  710. Plants and shells as centerpieces
  711. Cheddar cheese
  712. The peal of an organ
  713. A steaming pot over a crackling fire
  714. Happy times
  715. Short socks
  716. A whiff of peppermint
  717. Showing a dog
  718. Blueberry pancakes
  719. Blues
  720. A baby’s quilt
  721. rope railings
  722. Large scrapbooks
  723. Personalised golf balls
  724. Hot chocolate and big marshmallows after being outside in the cold
  725. Seeing hot-air balloons in the sky
  726. Woven Baskets
  727. All-night jam sessions
  728. Small packages wrapped with foil papers
  729. Sailing picnics
  730. Old town road
  731. Art classes
  732. Celebrating togetherness
  733. Apple tarts
  734. The cold coming and knitting a film of ice
  735. Bangs that finally grow out
  736. Coffee shops
  737. The tradition of wedding spoons
  738. Being an archaeologist in your own backyard
  739. Sunset
  740. Barrettes
  741. Dancing with a lover to 1950a music
  742. Handcuff-size onion rings
  743. A rasher of bacon done to a turn
  744. Inserting tabs
  745. The exploration of Africa
  746. A barn home
  747. Riding the wind
  748. The lure of the uncertain
  749. Playing kick-the.can
  750. Caramelising onions
  751. Marriage certificates
  752. Outdoor chaises
  753. Bird safaris
  754. A small fragrant disk of sausage
  755. Walking a sandbar
  756. Fabric patterns
  757. Pilots in uniform
  758. Purse Atomizers
  759. Gumbos and jambalayas
  760. Low-bush blueberries
  761. Bibb lettuce
  762. Greeting cards that say something
  763. The energy to squeeze some juice
  764. Little things
  765. Blankets
  766. Long walks across the frozen lake to the post office
  767. White china drawer pulls
  768. Your favourite kind of clothes
  769. Indirect lighting
  770. Tim Hortons
  771. Watching it snow
  772. Bathing-suit season
  773. Note-taking in college
  774. Words pertaining to the nose
  775. Living in a 200-year-old house
  776. Pitching tents
  777. Red Ferraris
  778. Chopping veggies
  779. Daring to write on the lines as well as in between them
  780. Ethnic grocery shops
  781. Accidental meetings
  782. Mozart piano concerts
  783. Forest walking
  784. Exclaiming
  785. Central American bananas
  786. A 4-foot Christmas tree
  787. Dolman sleeves
  788. Sofa beds
  789. Selling subscriptions
  790. How maps are made from satellite photos
  791. Small snowmen with twings for arms
  792. Sand
  793. Salmon color
  794. Cozy robes
  795. Morning newspaper
  796. 24 hours a day
  797. Cashing in your chips
  798. The silence of close friendship
  799. Child-drawn maps of imaginative worlds
  800. A 20-hour workweek
  801. Starting an herb garden
  802. Carrots growing deep
  803. Staring off into space
  804. Getting tickets to a play
  805. Open-late shops
  806. A restored nickelodeon
  807. old-fashioned bridal gowns
  808. Catching a butterfly in the palm of your hand and letting it go
  809. Secret drawers
  810. Being a guest of honour
  811. Whipping up a casserole
  812. An office with a window
  813. Your favourite facial expression
  814. Resident mail
  815. Being the sorority social chair
  816. Art journals
  817. Visiting Alaska
  818. Red leotards
  819. Motorcycling
  820. Trampolines
  821. White T-shirts
  822. Using a big word
  823. Studying at the library
  824. Used train ticket
  825. Receding chins
  826. Blouses with Peter Pan collars
  827. Taking five
  828. Mechanical pencils
  829. Drowsy mornings
  830. Sherpas and muses
  831. Having your car warmed up by a loving soul before you go out
  832. January sunrise
  833. A wind farm
  834. Rainy weekends for lots of reading
  835. Brochures from hotels
  836. Microwaves
  837. Growing food
  838. A down-to-earth attitude
  839. Tying a dozen helium-filled balloons to a friend’s car
  840. Watching a thunderstorm
  841. Umbrella shade tables
  842. Finding your way through an office park
  843. Hand-blown posy vases
  844. Fireflies flashing their taillights
  845. An enthusiastic kiss
  846. Good morning’s
  847. Riding bikes along a seawall promenade
  848. A smile you wear all over
  849. The steadfast sun
  850. Physics
  851. Kicking your baggage to the airport counter
  852. Seeing your favourite teen movie again
  853. Star wars
  854. International Morse Code
  855. Dogs wearing college mufflers
  856. Bitcoin
  857. Recovering from culture shock
  858. Watching the sun rise and set aboard ship
  859. Arena football
  860. The secret urge to expedite the person ahead of you through a door
  861. Multigrain foods
  862. Sleepy times
  863. Beer
  864. Flower-decked balconies
  865. Giving yourself a mind massage
  866. Bright rubies
  867. A short but sweet summer
  868. The cool underside of a pillow
  869. Being centred
  870. Continental breakfasts
  871. A wall of books
  872. Stopping to rest under the drooping shade of a river’s edge willow tree
  873. Middle age
  874. Cruising on a skateboard
  875. Waiting fo the team bus
  876. Knowing “it’s always something’
  877. Butter on every bite
  878. Watching football practice
  879. Thermal blankets
  880. Moving to a better place
  881. A popular girl
  882. Juniper berries
  883. Punctuality
  884. A boss who lets you be autonomous
  885. The act of worship
  886. Oatmeal raisin cookies
  887. Old-fashioned waffle-weave kitchen towels
  888. Treasure hunts
  889. The TV Guide channel
  890. The playground of life
  891. All 1440 minutes a day
  892. Getting a puppy
  893. An après-ski atmosphere
  894. Enjoying a glass of iced tea under the grape arbor
  895. Canada
  896. Particle physics
  897. A bathroom mirror
  898. The ease which we fall in love or fall in love all over again
  899. Writing letters in an outdoor cafe
  900. Theories on pyramid building
  901. The universe
  902. The sound of a clock ticking
  903. Mutual friends
  904. Going all out
  905. Nordic skiing
  906. Country fair signs
  907. Someone with the biggest smile in the world
  908. Resting under a favourite tree
  909. Honeymoon spots
  910. Crimped hair
  911. An escape hatch
  912. Twilight hour
  913. Oxford
  914. Egg-drop soup
  915. Acoustic guitars
  916. Making a fall clothes-buying list
  917. Blue french horn
  918. Buying and painting unfinished furniture
  919. Sneakers with dress suits
  920. The luxury of a fresh towel
  921. Noise-free zones
  922. Candies under pillows
  923. Bicycling in the evening
  924. Open rolling fields and stone walls
  925. Barbecue pits
  926. Backup pits
  927. Fanning yourself
  928. Blooming tropical flowers
  929. Desires made out of nostalgia and imagination
  930. Mountain vistas
  931. Standing in the doorway
  932. Well-filled bookshelves
  933. Plan B
  934. Backup vocalists
  935. Coming up with ideas
  936. A newsroom at deadline
  937. Outdoor careers
  938. Chopping fresh herbs
  939. Bus excursions
  940. Lame ducks
  941. Summertime
  942. Bakery boxes tied with string
  943. The honk of car horns and car alarm systems
  944. Retirees in the Sunbelt
  945. Never having used training wheels
  946. Empanadas
  947. Beaches you are sure no one else has discovered
  948. Rekindling friendships
  949. The Titanic
  950. Taking an elevator friend to lunch
  951. People who give more of themselves
  952. Privacy
  953. Conventional wisdom
  954. Mindful consuming
  955. Postcard vies
  956. Hawaii
  957. Las Vegas nights
  958. A rolltop desk
  959. Boxershorts
  960. Living in the place you love
  961. An I miss you note
  962. Winning a prize
  963. A chance to detox
  964. University
  965. Learning to say “no”
  966. The green shoots of new plants
  967. Coca-Cola commercials
  968. Getting sun-kissed on lunch hour
  969. Cricket matches
  970. Ping-Pong
  971. Youtube
  972. Pizza
  973. Throbbing downtowns
  974. Foodie-traveler hot spots
  975. Authoring or editing a Wikipedia article
  976. Taking your coffee on a walk
  977. James Bond movies
  978. Being swept away by sheer delight
  979. Towels that absorb well
  980. A hippo having its teeth cleaned
  981. Bacon-and-egg skillset
  982. Money-back guarantees
  983. Owning your own barn
  984. Colourful butterflies
  985. Fireside conversations
  986. Having a scratch for every itch
  987. Setting a good example
  988. Mindfulness
  989. Piano chords
  990. Daisies in the kitchen
  991. A smile from a stranger
  992. Interview show
  993. Your Family
  994. Letting go of the gas pump perfectly
  995. Bugs Bunny
  996. When mellow days turn into brisk evenings
  997. Mushy talk
  998. The roar of a crowd
  999. Weird biology teachers

+1 Life

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Jonas Morgner
Jonas Morgner

Written by Jonas Morgner

A young ambitious student, who is curious to learn.

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